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Nonprofit CRM

Discover Simply ShareVision - Our newest solution for small nonprofit organizations

Experience the Best in Nonprofit CRM for Small Social Service Agencies

Unveil the leading digital platform for small social service entities with ShareVision. Tailored for nonprofits, ShareVision simplifies creating collaborative online environments for enhanced interaction and tracking. Revolutionize your social service initiatives using Simply ShareVision's intuitive tools.

Feel the impact of Simply ShareVision: Your ultimate small nonprofit CRM.


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Our custom CRM system is designed specifically for smaller organizations who want to boost their outreach, better communicate and streamline their efforts. With ShareVision, you can manage people, services, facilities and daily operations under one unified management framework. Built for staff, managers and administrators, ShareVision’s nonprofit CRM gives organizations tools to connect, communicate and collaborate. Whatever your role, see the whole picture. See change, as you make it happen.

Maximize your impact with the right nonprofit CRM

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ShareVison Plus is our advanced nonprofit CRM solution for organizations requiring custom-built features which exceed the capabilities of our flagship ShareVision system.

ShareVision Plus provides nonprofits with the option to work with our developers to create custom workflows, automation, and processes to cater to their specific needs.

If it is not possible in ShareVision, ShareVision Plus may be the right solution for you!

Maximize your impact with the right nonprofit CRM

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As leaders, we are faced with making challenging decisions. More so now than ever! COVID-19 has shaken the world and impacted each of us. One tough decision that I had to make was shutting down our administrative offices and re-deploying all of our leadership staff to work from home. Thanks to ShareVision, this has been seamless – the information flows and the work continues!

Brandon Arnett2
Brandon Arnett, Cranbrook Society for Community Living


Lisa Barnett

Customer Success

Lisa is a past customer that loved ShareVision so much she just had to join the team.

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Cam Ansell

Business Development

Cam enjoys helping people so joining ShareVision was a great fit.

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Mike Allore

Product Experts

Mike worked 8 years in social services as a front line worker before joining ShareVision and becoming our product expert and training team lead. 

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Lucas Santos

Product Development

Lucas is originally from Brazil and worked in software both there and here before joining our team. He now heads up our Product Development efforts.

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Attend a Live Web Demo

See how community service organizations are using ShareVision software to create a case management system that works for them. 

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